Volunteer mentors needed for Girls for a Change

Girls For A Change (GFC) empowers young women in middle school and high school to create social change in their communities. We are looking for women volunteers to guide girls through the process of identifying an issue in their community and then designing a project that creates change around that issue.

Click here to register!

Name of event: Women Volunteer mentors needed for " Girls for A Change Program"
Location: Santa Clara, San Mateo and South Santa Cruz Counties
Event max # of Volunteers: 60
Contact: Ashley Smith, Silicon Valley Program Director
Contact Email: Ashley@girlsforachange.org
Contact Phone: 408-529-9304
Age Restrictions: 18+
Type of Work: Volunteer Girl Action Team Coach

 Coaching with Girls for a Change means working with girls for 12 weeks to tell them they are important and powerful and that they can create change. The commitment is about 15 hours per month and includes one meeting with girls per week. We are in high need of Coaches for our spring session (January to May). We offer Coach Training, staff support and a coach manual to help guide you during the year. We provide the support you need to work effectively with girls in communities throughout the Silicon Valley.

Spring Team:

Complete a GFC Coach Application and a Coach Interview,

Receive Orientation Packet and be fingerprinted.

January 22nd - Attend Coach Orientation.

January-April- Meet once per week with your Girl Action Team.

May- Completion and Celebration with your Girl Action Team!

For an application please go to http://www.girlsforachange.org/national/about_sv/

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