A Bay Area Wake Up Call

Greenlighting Good Business

And now, an NBC Bay Area Editorial...

For 60 years, the Silicon Valley has been the innovation capital of the world. But our leadership is at risk.

I'm Suzanne Shaw, NBC Bay Area Editorial Director

When San Jose International's huge solar contract went to Canada, that was a wake up call. When fewer than half of Silicon Valley's high school graduates are college ready, that is a wake up call. So let's wake up! Let's do everthing we can to level the playing field for Silicon Valley companies.

The next big thing in innovation is "clean tech" and the competition is fierce. When SB-71 passed last month, we finally joined 47 other states with no sales tax on clean tech manufacturing equipment. That was a good start. Bottom line, we need to aggressively reevaluate policies that discourage innovation in Silicon Valley.

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