What a Waste

Time to Clean Up Our Act

And now, an NBC Bay Area Editorial:

We've made great strides in restoring San Francisco Bay, even dolphins are returning. Yet, the worst polluter threatening our progress is us.

I'm Suzanne Shaw (NBC Bay Area Editorial Director)

Ordinary people, you and I, remain the primary source of bay pollution. From our cars leaking oil to our lawns leaching fertilizers, our runoff flows to the bay.

In just one day along San Francisco Bay, crews cleaned up 130 tons of waste, mostly plastic! Ninety percent of the trash in our streams, like styrofoam, does not biodegrade. And now two dozen such waterways violate federal law.

So want to make a difference?

- Don't litter
- Carry reusable bags
- Take medicine, paint and other toxics to disposal sites

NBC Bay Area believes it's up to us to save the bay.
Find out how to volunteer for clean-ups and plantings here.

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