YMCA Homework Help Support Program in Fremont

YMCA Homework Support Program is designed for school- age children to have an opportunity to work in small groups of two or three students to one adult supporter and complete their math, language and literacy work. Supporters will devote their attention to completing homework assignments keeping the students on task. Supporters will encourage students to do their own thinking and help them explore how to find the answer and work independently. Supporters will help build associations between what they already know and what is being learned.Once homework is completed the supporters will provide other opportunities for adequate practice in math, language and literacy. Supporters will work with individual children based on their learning styles.

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Name of Event: YMCA Homework Support Program

Time: 3:30-4:30pm

Date:November 2010

Location:  Forest Park, Weibel and James Leitch Locations (East Bay)

Event max # of Volunteers: 20-25

Contact: [Catherine Rice]


Contact Phone: (510) 279-2910

Age Restrictions: yes

Type of Work:: volunteer

Waiver Required: yes

Other info-Background check, finger prints, TB Test & physical

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