Governor Calls Congress a Bunch of “Wimps”

Has there ever been a lame duck politician more entertaining than Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger?

Regardless of your political affiliations, it's hard not to admit that the governator is one entertaining figure.

From leaving hidden obscene messages for notoriously liberal politicians who openly mock him to ripping the hope of his own party Sarah Palin over her "I can see Russia from my house" comment to using social media to write restaurant reviews. The actor-turned-politician-turned actor is great for one liners.

And he is at it yet again. Schwarzenegger appeared on national television this week and proceeded to dub Congress a bunch of wimps with no guts.

We need to go to Washington and say, 'Look what happened. You, because oil companies have spent money against you, they have threatened you, you backed off the energy policy and the environmental policy in Washington,' " Schwarzenegger said. "What wimps. No guts. I mean, here, you idolize and always celebrate the great warriors, our soldiers, our men and women who go to Iraq and Afghanistan, and they’re risking their lives to defend this country and you’re not even willing to stand up against the oil companies. I said, 'That’s disgusting.' You promised the people you’d represent them. You didn’t promise the people you’d represent the oil companies and the special interests."

Even at 63 and the weight of a struggling state on his shoulders,  Schwarzenegger still has the physique to call a spade a spade. What the full interview below.

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