Wherever There's a Fight: A History of Civil Liberties in California

The fight for freedom and equality in California, from the Gold Rush to the precarious post- 9/11 era, is showcased in the new exhibit, Wherever There's a Fight: A History of Civil Liberties in California. It will tell stories of brave individuals who stood up for their rights in the face of social hostility, physical violence, and economic hardship. The exhibit features stories of ordinary Californians who fought violations of their civil liberties, challenging the prejuidices and political winds of the times. State and federal constitutions spell out many liberties and rights, but it is the people who challenge prejuidice and discrimination that transform those lofty ideals into practical realities. Whenever There's a Fight paints vivid portraits of these people and brings to light their often hidden stories.


 - Tuesday, October 1; 7:30pm - Keynote Presentation

 - Saturday, October 12; 10:00am - Human Trafficking: Civil Rights or Human Rights?

 - Saturday, October 19; 10:00am - Songs of the Struggle for Liberty, Freedom, and Justice

 - Saturday, October 26; 10:00am - The Civil Rights Movement in California

Wherever There's a Fight will be displayed on the second floor of the Fremont Main Library from September 18th through November 2nd.

WHERE: Fremont Library is located at 2400 Stevenson Blvd, Fremont.

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