Now you can get a little taste of the Fillmore Heritage Center without having to actually live in the Western Addition (you still have to ride the 38 bus, however). Later this month, the glossy apartment complex will unveil its brand-spankin' new 16,000 square foot, three-block plaza at O'Farrell and Fillmore Streets designed by AXIS architects and slapped with a cheery Easter egg color palette that would make Haight-Ashbury blush (because apparently "jazz-inspired" means "random pastels"). SleepingSeating for more than 300 is arranged around a steel sculpture designed by British public abstract-artsy impresario John Atkin. And -- you guessed it! -- it's "jazz-inspired." They'll cut the ribbon October 25 and celebrate with an all-day block party, undoubtedly also "jazz-inspired." So will the plaza revitalize the alternately boring and bloody neighborhood by drawing new upscale retail? Or will it just become another jazz-inspired urine and refuse repository? Only time shall tell...
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