
Alameda Point Residents Warned Not to Drink Tap Water

Residents in one Alameda neighborhood are being advised to avoid drinking tap water for the next two days, city officials said Tuesday night. Marianne Favro reports.

Residents in one Alameda neighborhood were advised to avoid drinking or using tap water for at least 48 hours, city officials said Tuesday night.

The East Bay Municipal Utility District found evidence of non-drinkable water in the drinking water system for the Alameda Point area.

According to city officials, residents there should not drink the tap water nor should they use it to brush their teeth, wash dishes or cook. Additionally, the water should not be given to animals.

The warning affected 268 households and about 60 businesses. Water in other parts of the city wasn't affected, city officials said.

Residents were advised to avoid drinking the tap water for the next 48 hours, or until city officials say otherwise.

The city was offering bottled water to affected residents. The bottled water can be picked up at the Alameda Point Collaborative office at 677 W. Ranger Ave.

The water will be left outside and can be picked up 24 hours a day and is only for the affected residents, city officials said.

Resident Carolyn Clary picked up her second case of water Wednesday, saying she's not sure how much longer she won't be able to use her tap water.

"It's definitely tough," Clary said.

Kelly Kearney of Pacific Fine Food said she had to throw out lettuce that was washed with the tap water earlier, and she'll have to pay her employees overtime to wash dishes by hand.

"This is where we make coffee and espresso directly with tap, and we also use tap water for the ice machine and dishwasher," Kearney said.

The city of Alameda has made 10 portable showers available for affected residents, according to the Alameda Police Department. Two of the showers are ADA compliant. The showers are located at the Alameda Fire Department Training Facility at 431 Stardust Place in the parking lot.

Meanwhile, crews were conducting flushing to restore the system's drinkable water. EBMUD was working to figure out what caused the problem. They said in a statement late Tuesday that the source likely is a cross connection between a potable drinking water line and a nonpotable irrigation line.

The water quality alert will not be lifted until the state Water Resources Control Board Division of Drinking Water deems the water safe for drinking and bodily contact, city officials said.

For those wishing to contribute to affected residents, they are in need of baby wipes, disposable diapers and hand sanitizer. Items can be dropped off at the Alameda Point Collaborative, 677 W. Ranger Ave., and will be distributed by volunteers. The Red Cross is providing bottled water and paper goods.

For more information about the water alert, the city has a dedicated hotline at (510) 747-7460.

NBC Bay Area's Marianne Favro contributed to this report.

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