
FDA to Determine if CBD Should be Allowed in Food, Drinks

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is taking a closer look at the cannabis industry Friday to determine whether companies should be allowed to use CBD in food, drinks and supplements.

Cannabidiol (CBD) is made from hemp and it doesn’t have tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), so it won’t get you high. 

Friday’s FDA hearing is the first step to try and regulate the cannabis compound. They will hear from experts, retailers and farmers as it sorts through scientific data on the long-term effects of CBD.

This comes after some confusion that led to arrests. One woman was taken into custody at Disney World after being caught carrying CBD oil and another was jailed for having it in her bag at the airport in Dallas.

As of now, an epilepsy drug is the only CBD product approved by the FDA. People can take the drug through airport security with no problem.

Over the weekend, TSA changed its medical marijuana policy, allowing passengers to bring forms of CBS oil on planes as well.

The hearing will last all day and beyond. People can submit their comments online until July 2.

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