JetBlue Expands Its Discounted Airfares

A couple of weeks ago, a discounted ticket on JetBlue would not have gotten you much further than Los Angeles. And there is only so much you can mock a Dodgers fan.

Now the no frills airline -- cool enough to have DirecTV at every seat and a food pantry you can raid whenever you like -- is offering discounted tickets to more cities from the Bay Area.

Now a trip to New York will cost you $139 from San Jose or you can go find out about the original Tea Party in Boston for the same price.

Allergic to the South Bay? JetBlue has San Francisco covered as well. You can still fly down to Long Beach for $49 but now you can also head to to Austin and see if there really are cool people in Texas for $99.

If it's warm winter sun you want, or you just have a fetish for retired people, $109 will get you to Ft. Lauderdale. You can of course fly to New York or Boston from San Francisco for the same price as flying out of San Jose. A similar ticket on Southwest will run $186 if you are lucky enough to get a web only price.

Of course like any good deal, and any JetBlue sale, there are restrictions. Travel must be done Oct. 12 through Dec. 15 on a Tuesday and Wednesday and the Thanksgiving period of Nov. 23 through Nov. 30 are blacked out.

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