How do you get hundreds of kids to come together to cooperate, do the same thing at once and enjoy themselves all at the same time? Pleasanton Middle School figured it out: Dance!
Hundreds of kids met in the courtyard Wednesday morning for a huge flash mob. They danced to hits from the 1950s all the way to today with a few hits from Beyonce. And if you look closely, you can see that the teachers were grooving, too.
The history teacher who organized the mass dance says she saw it as a way to bring students together and celebrate the end of the school year. She was motivated by seeing other flash mobs on the web. We spoke with one 7th-grader who told us he was thrilled to be out there dancing to his favorite tunes.
And you know that shyness that some kids get about dancing or performing at that age? Well not today, for 10 minutes straight, it was uniform crew of dancing that would make any entertainer proud.