San Jose Police to Crack Down on Drunk Driving, Host DUI Checkpoint

When enforced regularly, DUI checkpoints have been shown to curb the number of alcohol-related crashes.

San Jose police have scheduled a DUI checkpoint at an undisclosed location within city limits, starting at 8 p.m. Saturday.

Police say such checkpoints help to prevent fatal alcohol-related crashes and also catch people driving without a license.

Research has shown that crashes involving impaired drivers can be reduced by 20 percent when DUI checkpoints are announced and held routinely.

In 2013, 867 people were killed in alcohol-related crashes and more than 20,000 people suffered serious injuries, according to research.

Such statistics appear to have prompted law enforcement agencies as well as Bay Area bars to step up their efforts to keep drunk drivers off the roads.

Some bars have included themselves in the new DDVIP app, an app that has a list of bars and restaurants that offer perks for designated drivers. The app also offers a quick way to call Uber or Lyft and get a safe ride home if, for any reason, the designated driver is no longer feeling up to the task.

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