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Former Scotts Valley City Employee Arrested on Child Porn Suspicion

Police in Scotts Valley arrested a former city employee last week after they learned he had requested and received nude pictures from an underage girl.

Trevor Arriola, 23, was arrested Thursday on suspicion of possession of child pornography and sexual exploitation of a child after investigators obtained a search warrant, according to police.

Officers discovered Arriola had befriended the victim, a 15-year-old girl, two years ago. The pair lost contact but recently reconnected through social media, police said.

Arriola not only requested and received nude photos of the teen, but he also allegedly shared the pictures with a third party, according to police.

Officers determined Arriola and the victim did not have any physical contact, police said.

Arriola began working as an aide to the city of Scotts Valley Park and Recreation Summer and Afterschool Program in 2014. Upon his hiring, Arriola went through a fingerprint and background check, which returned no results, according to police.

Arriola, however, resigned from the position in August, months before his arrest.

In order to address questions and concerns, the police and the city's Park and Recreation Division will hold a meeting for parents Wednesday, starting at 6:30 p.m. at the Scotts Valley Water District at 2 Civic Center Drive.

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