Sure would be nice to use the iPhone as a 3G modem, wouldn't it? Imagine that, sharing your iPhone's 3G connection with your computer via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. Even though Apple said tethering was on the way almost a year ago, we still have not seen any such thing yet. But wait. Rooting around in the iPhone OS 4.0 beta 4, just released last night, revealed a tantalizing clue that AT&T tethering support is indeed on its way.
This must've been AT&T finally getting its network together, rather than any sort of innovation by Apple. In fact, Apple said it was "supporting tethering on the client-side" last year. Whenever it's finally available, we sure would like to get the same convenience from the iPhone that we've enjoyed with our trusty 3G MiFi 2200 intelligent hotspot. We're guessing that it will be priced so exorbitantly that it will discourage widespread use, saving AT&T's network from horrible crashing.