With 2 Babies Due, Northern Virginia Neighbors Pitch In to Shovel Streets

Northern Virginia bureau chief Julie Carey reports how neighborhoods are coping under all the snow.

Two women on one street in Northern Virginia are due to give birth this week -- but after the blizzard hit, plows were nowhere to be seen.

To clear the way for when the expectant mothers headed to hospitals, residents of South Riding, Virginia, banded together to shovel the street. The plow their homeowners' association hired got stuck and then left Sunday night, neighbor said.

But by Monday afternoon, the shovel brigade had cleared the snow on Peppercorn Alley down to the asphalt.

Christina Bearce, one of the women, said she was moved to hear her neighbors worked to help her.

"I felt so honored they they would do that for me," she said. "People are good."

Loudoun County recorded some of the biggest snowfall totals in the region.

In Leesburg, driveways and sidewalks were clear, but many streets were untouched.

"There's about 3 feet of snow right in the middle of the street and nothing's been removed yet," resident Basil Mossaides said Monday afternoon.

The town of Leesburg said on its website that crews had cleared primary roads and then would turn to residential streets.

Resident Martin Strohmeier and others there with snowblowers cleared their neighbors' driveways and sidewalks. They wanted to see plow drivers finish the job.

In Ashburn, first-responders pitched in, too. Members of the Arcola Volunteer Fire Department took a resident to a dialysis appointment.

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