Yahoo Board Member Involved in Sloppy CEO Search to Step Down

More academic tomfoolery on the Yahoo board.

Yahoo board members can't seem to stop fudging their resumes. Too bad everyone else can look them up -- using, say, Google.

A Yahoo board member involved in the hiring of CEO Scott Thompson, whose falsifications on his resume weren't caught by the board, will resign, according to reports.

And it seems board member Patti Hart, who will not seek re-election in the company's annual shareholder meetings, may have stretched the truth on her own background: She claimed degrees in marketing and economics from Illinois State University, when in fact she has a business degree, according to a report in the San Jose Mercury News.

Thompson, for his part, claimed a computer science degree from Stonehill College in Emerson, Mass. He does not have that degree. The company dubbed that oversight "an inadvertent error," according to the newspaper.

Investor Daniel Loeb, of firm Third Point, alerted the world to both academic lies, the newspaper reported. Third Point owns 5.8 percent of Yahoo.

Loeb has since been on a crusade, seeking to replace Yahoo board members with his own crew of executives. Many industry insiders have also demanded Thompson step down.

With Hart's departure, there's one more open seat on the Yahoo board for Loeb to covet, the newspaper observed.

Meetings to replace the departed board members have not yet been scheduled.


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