Clearly Villa Fresh Italian Kitchen learned nothing from the McDonald's social media debacle earlier this year. You know, the time McDonald's asked people to share their "McDonald's experience" on Twitter, and resulted in a slew of gross stories involving the burger chain.
The restaurant took to social media, asking the public to name a flavor. The "Dub the Dew" marketing campaign was quickly derailed and shut down after users of 4Chan -- the infamous online forum -- took over, submitting votes for names like, "Diabeetus," "Moist Nugget" and "Fapple," reports NineMSN.
The site was finally removed after the top name for the flavor was "Hitler Did Nothing Wrong."
The Huffington Posts points out that there may have been some other online entities involved, as some blame Reddit, and 9GAG -- other online forums.
Update: The following statement was fed to, a source for this story so we will include here as well:
"Dub the Dew," a local market promotional campaign that was created by one of our customers—not Mountain Dew—was compromised. We are working diligently with our customer's team to remove all offensive content that was posted and putting measures in place to ensure this doesn't happen again. Mountain Dew has a legacy of engaging its most loyal fans to tap innovative ideas for the brand through really successful programs like "DEWMocracy" and "Your Malt Dew" and so we sincerely apologize to all of our fans who may have been offended by this customer's program.