After backtracking on their plans to turn St. Luke's into an outpatient-only hospital, owner California Pacific Medical Center decided to rebuild the place as a complete acute-care facility. Albeit, a smaller one - shrinking it from 143 beds to the 60-80 recommended by a blue-ribbon panel of bed recommenders. Well, as it turns out CPMC doesn't really have its heart in St. Luke's after all. They've got their eyes on the real prize: a $1.7 billion, 555-bed Cathedral Hill hospital that they hope to build on Geary and Van Ness in place of the Cathedral Hill Hotel. Decadent, no? BUT (you knew there'd be a but) the city has threatened to block the deal if CPMC doesn't go through with St. Luke's. Is it just us, or are hospitals the new luxury condo?
· CPMC speeds to build smaller St. Luke’s [SF Business Times]
· Landlords Slap the Spite on SF General [Curbed SF]
· Hospital Watch: UCSF Mission Bay Next in Line [Curbed SF]For more stories from Curbed SF, go to