The topic of black hair has piqued comedian Chris Rock’s interest to such an extent that he’s releasing his own documentary, A Good Hair Day, on the subject. The film, which premiered at Sundance this year, focuses on the “mostly unexamined industry and culture of black hair care.” But back to Michelle’s sleek and shiny bob; what exactly is all the fuss about?
“Her hair represents the highest aspirations and also the limitations of a certain black style,” says Salon, adding: “I wonder whether such a young, high-profile black woman who gets her hair straightened or relaxed as a matter of course will occasionally let it be something different: un-straightened, less straightened, or anything that doesn’t bounce, lie flat or swing like a pageboy. In other words, a do that suggests her ethnicity rather than softens it.” According to the author, while such a move on Mrs. Obama’s part is highly unlikely, a happy medium may lie in the hands (or, more specifically, the hair) of Sasha and Malia. “Now that they’re no longer groomed for the Corn Belt voters on the campaign trail, I see the Obama girls casually affirming the black mainstream [be it via braids and cornrows or an afro] in a way perhaps their parents can’t yet.”