A ROSE IS A ROSE: By any other name, but when you include glass pearls in stunning jet black, the rose gets a whole lot chic-er. The Emily Necklace has achieved the perfect blend of classic and contemporary with its asymmetrical cabochon. Wherefore art thou not purchasing this already?
HEART OF GLASS: Blondie may have been singing about something completely different, but we're sure she would have loved this set of Textured Glass Plates at The Gardener. Lexie Quiring just tipped us off to this hotspot in the Ferry Building, now we're in love with this set of four patterned dishes -- bubble, stripe, dot, square prism, this is rapture!
EPIC TRUNK SHOW AT KRIMSA: Trunk shows are already great - you get to preview the coolest new designer wear. Now multiply that awesomeness by ten-fold and you have the multi-designer trunk show at Krimsa. Staring at 6 p.m., enjoy selections from Noahs Handbags, Treat, Red Jewelry, and many more. [SF Indie Fashion]