Three Suspicious Fires Along Highway 24 in Lafayette: Contra Costa County Fire

Overnight, ten fire crews were called out to put out three small fires along Highway 24, in Lafayette, along the stretch of Oak Hill Road west to El Nido Ranch Road.

The fires, reported about 11 p.m. on Wednesday, weren’t big in size, in all, less than an acre.

But they are suspicious in nature, according to Contra Costa County fire officials. And they are a good reminder for residents to remember this is high fire season.

“Just stay vigilant,” Fire Marshal Robert Marshall said. “It is high fire danger. It will be for the rest of the week. The fires can start very easily right now. The conditions are just right for that.”

Wednesday night’s fires broke out a couple miles from Tuesday morning’s eight-acre grass fire above Highway 24 near Pleasant Hill Road. Firefighters are trying to determine the case of that blaze.

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