SAN FRANCISCO-- The Harrison Street offramp from the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge reopened Monday morning after being closed for more than three years because of seismic retrofit work, according to the California Department of Transportation.
The offramp opened to westbound traffic at 5 a.m. and should help alleviate congestion during the morning commute, according to Caltrans.
The offramp was closed on Sept. 6, 2005, and is the last ramp to reopen as part of the West Approach, which runs along Interstate Highway 80 from Fifth Street to the Bay Bridge Anchorage at Beale Street.
The seismic retrofit project involved completely removing and replacing a one-mile section of Highway 80, as well as six onramps and offramps within the structure's original footprint, according to Caltrans.
In mid-February, the final alignment of the Fifth Street ramps and the eastbound mainline will be put into place, creating 10-foot shoulders available to motorists coming through the area for the first time.
All construction work related to the ramp opening is weather dependent aond subject to change, according to Caltrans.