Google Barge Unveiled: It Has Wings

Google's barge will be sailing away -- or at least looking like it could.

It's no mere floating store -- it's a floating store with wings.

The barge in San Francisco Bay, confirmed to be Google's, will also sport "gigantic sails" to attract even more attention as it is moved about the bay, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

Sails "reminiscent of fish fish" will "remind visitors they are on a seaworthy vessel" will adorn the 250-foot long barge, according to public records obtained by the newspaper.

The barge is "officially" designated as a "studio" and "temporary technology exhibit space," according to documents submitted to the Port of San Francisco by By and Large LLC, the barge's legal owner.

The "unprecedented artistic structure" would dock at "Piers 30-32 and other San Francisco docks, Fort Mason, Angel Island, Redwood City and Rosie the Riveter/World War II Home Front National Historical Park in Richmond" before sailing away to parts unknown -- like San Diego, the newspaper reported.

There's no timelie as to when all this would take place, port officials said. They're still waiting on Google -- and the holders of the world's worst-kept secret -- and the beneficiaries of some of the world's freest publicity -- aren't saying.

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