Green Light for Target in Metreon Despite Outcry

Despite outcry from the public over its anti-gay donations, Target is slated to move into the mostly-abandoned Metreon soon.

Construction may begin as early as next month, and will take about a year to complete. The Metreon is undergoing a massive overhaul in the hopes of reversing its inability to maintain profitable retail stores. Despite a flashy opening a decade ago and regularly heavy foot-traffic, stores have routinely vacated the mall. Only the movie theater has remained.

Target will occupy the second floor of the building. In addition to the new retailer, the mall will add a new food terrace, and dramatically expand its food court.

The retailer is also considering a new store on Geary, in the former Mervyn's. That space also suffers from poor design, and would require significant construction to accommodate a modern store.

Not everyone's happy to see the store's arrival. Target came under fire some months ago for donating hundreds of thousands to politicians who oppose equal rights for gays. The retailer expressed regret that the public found out about their donations, and has continued to give money to anti-gay legislators.

The Human Rights Campaign retaliated with a document criticizing the company for its actions.

With the Target in the Metreon and on Geary, San Franciscans may wind up financing anti-gay campaigns without realizing it.

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