Impostor Who Performed Buttock Augmentations Will Stand Trial

Phony butt-doctor is in trouble with the law

The man accused of stealing a physician assistant's identity and using to illegally perform surgery and sexually assault his clients will stand trial, the San Francisco Appeal online newspaper reported.

Carlos Guzmangarza, 49, was arrested a year ago after he allegedly stole a Fresno man's identity and opened up Derma Clinic in the city's Mission District, where he performed various procedures on nine women. He performed liposuction, facelifts, lip and buttock augmentation, prosecutors said.

Guzmangarza smoked a cigarette during one $5,000 procedure, and sexually assaulted his client after he drugged her, the newspaper reported.

In another incident, Guzmangarza performed liposuction on a woman and came to her house afterward to flush the excess human fat down the toilet, the newspaper reported. The woman's abdomen became infected.

Guzmangarza is in custody on $1 million bail and faces more than 30 years in prison if convicted. He is back in court on Jan. 4 for a formal arraignment.

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