A coalition of 12 media organizations, including NBC News, are petitioning the U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker to once again consider cameras in the courtroom for closing arguments in the trial over Proposition 8.
Earlier this year, defenders of the successful ballot proposition to strip same-sex couples of equal marriage rights under the law, successfully petitioned the Supreme Court to overturn Walker's decision to allow the trial to be broadcast online.
However, one of their main arguments -- that the broadcasts could lead to witness intimidation -- is moot, as the closing arguments currently scheduled for June 16 would only feature arguments from attorneys.
A decision also rests on the shoulders of 9th U.S. Circuit Chief Judge Alex Kozinski, who must approve any broadcasts under the court's pilot program of recording trials.
Either way the case is ultimately decided, it is expected to ultimately end up appealed to the United States Supreme Court.
Jackson West would settle for live transcripts.