SPRING BREAK ISN'T OVER: Not everything on Catalina Island is centered around Avalon, the beautiful hub that serves as the destination's largest town. True, many an event takes places in the historic Casino Building, or at the Descanso Beach Club, and those Wrigley Botanical Gardens regularly draw mainlanders looking for a bucolic hike through some island-style fauna. But Two Harbors, the smaller of Catalina's two walkable villages, also boasts a number of bashes on the calendar, with several of them centered around live music, good sips, good eats, and... outdoor-centered fests. Shipwreck Weekend, which is on the ocean-pretty horizon, is one such festival, and is pure spring break, but not simply for those students taking an actual week from school. It's geared for any adult looking for tunes, eats, a treasure hunt, and other to-dos. Also? A costume contest will stir the creative juices of attendees, well in advance of Halloween. It's all happening a couple of weeks after the traditional period of spring-breakery, in early April, so point your spyglass in the direction of Catalina and set sail on...
APRIL 8 THROUGH 10, 2016: The Friday-to-Sunday splasher will feature Everett Coast and the Red Not Chili Peppers on the stage, and several off-stage pursuits. There are a few different passes, but if you want to camp out nearby, there's a deal that includes two nights of camping (and, yep, your trip over on the boat, since Two Harbors, like all of Catalina Island, sits about 22 miles off of LA's lovely shores). Did you get a spring break this year? Do you dream of sort of an island-fun gathering that's full of (fingers crossed) sunshine and water? And while many an island town has a harbor, how many have you been to that have two, and in such spectacular, photo-ready fashion? For all the details on Shipwreck Weekend, and the full Two Harbors event calendar, point your oar over here.