Veterans Supportive Services Agency is proud to announce they will be hosting their very first annual Armed Forces Day 5K Run and Family Fun Fest. VSSA is a non-profit charitable organization whose mission is to help eligible Veterans apply for service connected disability life-time compensation and is solely dedicated to providing life enhancing supportive services to US Armed Forces Veterans and their families.
On May 16, 2015, bring your friends and family out to Lake Cunningham Park for either a 5K run or a one mile walk and a Family Fun Fest in support of our veterans. There are no age limits for the run or walk and children under 12 receive free registration. There will also be music, food, local artisans, Blvd Bombs Classic Car Display and much more.
For more information, click here
When: May 16, 2015
Where: Lake Cunningham Park
San Jose
Time: 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM