Plea Deal in Works for Man Charged in Santa Cruz Girl's Fentanyl Case

Michael Russell, 23, is facing 16 felony counts involving sex and drug crimes against two underage girls. One of the minors, Lace Price, was found dead in his home with fentanyl in her system

NBC Universal, Inc.

In a last-minute move Thursday, 23-year-old Michael Russell did not agree to a plea deal offered by the Santa Cruz County District Attorney’s Office.

The parents of the victim, 16-year-old Lace Price, said the deal consisted of Russell pleading guilty and being sentenced to up to 10 years in prison, registering as a sex offender and receiving two strikes on his record.

Last November, Price was found dead in Russell’s Corralitos, Calif. home with fentanyl in her system, along with other drugs and alcohol. Russell was also at the home and was later charged with crimes against her and another underage minor. The charges include human trafficking, sex with a minor and destroying Price’s cell phone. Since Russell did not accept the plea deal, he continues to plead not guilty to these charges.

Russell is not criminally charged with Price’s death but is named in a wrongful death civil suit filed by the victim's family.

Price’s parents, Michael and Jill Price, believe sheriff’s investigators did a poor job of collecting evidence and preserving the scene. But, for now, they are supporting the District Attorney’s plea deal with Russell as long as it remains severe.

“Just to hear [Russell] express to his lawyer that he’s not happy with it shows me there is a big flip from at the beginning. [He said] in his testimony to her friend that ‘I am happy that [Price] died in a nirvana state.’ Now, he’s feeling the heat of this,” said Jill Price.

Since April, the Investigative Unit has uncovered major issues with the Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Office’s handling of Price’s death. The issues include deputies failing to verify her age at the scene, failing to assign a crime scene investigator to the case until four days after her death and leaving Price’s cellphone with the suspect.

The Santa Cruz County Sheriff's Office has never agreed to answer our questions about the case, including when the Investigative Unit asked them again today.

NBC Bay Area reached out to Russell’s attorney Thursday but did not hear back. Both sides have until Nov. 22 to work out another deal.

Watch our all our reporting on this case:

Part 1: Santa Cruz Family Says Law Enforcement Failed in Daughter’s Death

Part 2: Watsonville Police Accused of Ignoring Fentanyl-Laced Drug Warning Before Santa Cruz Girl’s Death

Part 3: Santa Cruz Officials Took 4 Days to Treat Teen’s Death as Suspicious, Possible Sex Crime

Part 4: Parents of Santa Cruz Teen Girl Sue for Wrongful Death in Fentanyl Case

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