If you have any money left after Bernie Madoff sank his mafioso fangs into your life savings, why not consider buying a doll in his likeness to commemorate the experience?
According to Dealmaker, toymaker Emil Vicale is only making 250 units of the action figure, and while $149.95 a pop may seem pricey, consider this: Each doll is lovingly handcrafted in Vicale's Connecticut workshop, bears a wristwatch painted with real 24-karat gold (for verisimilitude), and comes clutching a fistful of C-notes (not to scale). Plus, stocking up on these suckers and selling them on eBay in a few years seems as sound a retirement plan as any these days.
Order your Bernie Madoff action figure at herobuilders.com. (Rod Blagojevich figure also available.)
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