Hotel Bar Offers Free Drinks to Google Glass Users

Sometimes you want to go where you get a free drink... for wearing your Google Glass.

In stark contradiction to the wave of anti-Google Glass sentiment, in which bars and pubs across San Francisco have banned patrons from donning the wearable $1,500 computers, one Nob Hill public house is offering free drinks to Glass-wearers.

The Stanford Court Hotel will present to Google Glass users one free drink in exchange for a social media photo with the hashtag #stanfordcourt, San Francisco Magazine reported.

Google Glass and how and when to wear the technology -- and in which bar -- has been a subject of note of late, since a self-proclaimed social media PR person made waves for an unsavory incident that began over Glass.

Sarah Slocum, who was wearing the gadget, accused patrons of Molotov's in the Lower Haight of committing an alleged anti-tech "hate crime."

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