Lake Tahoe

Sierra Snowpark Fun Marred by Overflowing Trash

The traffic wasn't the only mess Monday for those trying to get to a snowpark near Boreal ski resort in the Lake Tahoe area. An unsightly heap of trash could be seen overflowing from a dumpster.

As sledders and snow enthusiasts sought to enjoy the fresh powder, they couldn't help but notice the nearby pile of broken sleds, flattened tubes and trash.

Other sledding locations along the Interstate 80 corridor didn't seem to have the same problem. Guadalupe Perez has traveled to the snowpark for three years so her family can play in the snow.

"It looks better without garbage," she said. "I've never seen people leaving trash. We don't do that, so I don' t know."

The shards of bright colored plastic bits from sleds were hard to miss. As was the giant inflatable tube that added to the mess. Jagdip Singh, who happens to work for Cal EPA brought his family to the park Monday and recognized the impact.

"The plastic doesn't disintegrate," he said. "It takes years and years and years. There should be a social responsibility, which is to pick up after yourself."

While highway and parks workers will clean up some sites that get trashed, some of the plastic could litter the scenery here for decades.

"If you don't take care of it today, we won't have it for tomorrow," Singh said.

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