Need another reason to keep incriminating information off of your social networking profiles? Be warned that several companies are now tweeting their job openings instead of posting them on message boards.
Companies such as MTV Networks and Verizon Communications say they are skipping the middleman and posting job openings directly on their Twitterfeeds because job boards have become too crowded, The Wall Street Journal reported.
A growing number of employers tell the paper -- ironically enough this story coming from the paper owned by the man who also controls MySpace -- that they are turning to the San Francisco-based microblogging site to find new social-networking savvy talent. The idea has been popular with both recruiters and potential employees because it allows them to directly interact with each other in 140 characters or less (which is probably about the limit on what you want to say to your future boss anyway)
"With Twitter, we don't have to go through that huge pile of resumes," said Mike Rickheim, vice president of global talent acquisition for Newell Rubbermaid Inc.
Job hunters can sign up for company job postings by simply following it on Twitter, and some recruiters even allow followers to simply tweet to set up a job interview.
The problem, of course, is as Twitter's popularity continues to grow, it too will become over saturated like the job boards it is replacing, and of course none of this works when the Fail Whale keeps rearing his ugly head, which seems to be happening more and more.