Twitter Is For Oversharing

Local author turns micro-scandal into publicity

Publicly posting intimate frustrations on a service like Twitter can lead to gossip or worse. Tipsy marketer Tara Hunt vented about relationships and became the talk of the office at her employer Intuit.

She deleted the message -- but how much damage was done to her reputation?

In a nice piece of media savvy, Hunt managed to turn it around to her advantage by relating her story to the San Francisco Chronicle.

And her employer was mentioned nearly as often as she was, but the offending message was not. Well played!

Of course, not everyone can turn an embarrassing incident to such publicity advantage.

If you care to share something you might regret later, run it by someone else first.

Or get an application like Birdhouse for the iPhone, which allows you to save your 140 character mistakes as drafts to consider and post later.

That hangover won't linger nearly so long if you wake up and delete the mistake before you broadcast it to the world.

Jackson West figures it's only a matter of time before anybody does something ill-advised online.

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