Fun With Maps: Web 2.0 Guide to Gentrification

We're not sure if the fire-breathing dragon mascot of Gentrify represents the scaly, oppressive evils of gentrification or the yucky "homeless people" that the "elite urban bourgeois" will use this map mashup to avoid once and for all. Think HousingMaps, but instead of just showing you homes across the city, Gentrify also allows you to map out the businesses that make or break your new neighborhood. Dog walkers, chocolatiers, and raw food, for example. Or midwives, creperies, and cannabis clinics— what, no victory gardens? The new site, which is— spoiler warning— obviously tongue in cheek, already has the local internets barfing all over itself with righteous rage. "And this is why I turned down a job in San Francisco," says a Lifehacker commenter. At least someone's taking it in stride: "I'm pretty sure urine soaked Hayes Valley won't score too high, but it'd be fun to see anyway."
· Gentrify
· Fun with Irony: Missionites Hate on Gentrification, Hipsters [Curbed SF]
· Bye Bye Bohemia: Gentrification Kills the Counterculture [Curbed SF]For more stories from Curbed SF, go to

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