Much-Needed Snow Blankets the Sierra

NBC Universal, Inc.

As the Bay Area gets hit with a downpour of rain, the Sierra is being blanketed with much-needed snow and though it’s been a difficult few months for the Lake Tahoe region, things appear to be looking up.

“We’ve seen 5 to 7 inches around the lake, we’ve seen feet of snow in the next 12 hours and that’s great news for operators around the Sierra,” said Kevin Cooper, resort consultant for South Lake Tahoe.

Most of the resorts are open, and all of them may be open by this weekend.

“We had that appetizer in October where we say 54 inches. This is what’s going to open things up this weekend because we have another system right behind this one,” said Cooper.

It's been a difficult few months for the Tahoe region. First, the Caldor Fire and then not enough snow. Businesses and locals have been paying a steep price, but with Monday’s storm, their fortunes might be changing. NBC Bay Area’s Raj Mathai spoke to Kevin Cooper, resort consultant for South Lake Tahoe, about the latest conditions.

That’s good news for the California Ski Company in Berkeley.

“We do custom boot fitting here and we have been slammed. People have been really excited to get up to the mountains,” said General Manager Bob Setterbo. 

They’ve been in business since 1989.

“There's a lot of pent up demand. People have been inside for a long time ready to get outside and enjoy the weather and skiing,” he said.

The past two years with the lack of rain and COVID has been tough on business.  The challenge has been staying open.

Loyal customers like Carlos Roman and his son David, of Orinda, are helping to keep this ski business alive.

“I’m really excited especially considering it’s kind of a late start like last year,” said David. “Especially with the amount of snow coming in right now I’m really excited to get out.”

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