Climate Change

E-Bike Act to Give Future Discounts in Some Bay Area Counties

A row of e-bikes in a San Diego shop.

Last week we encouraged you to bike to work for California Clean Air Day. But if your commute is a bit longer, you may be eyeing an e-bike as a way to get to work and get some fresh air while reducing your carbon emissions.

There’s a new E-bike Act working its way through Congress that may give you a 30% tax credit for a new electric bike. You’ll be able to claim a credit up to $1,500 but you might want to pump the brakes before making that purchase.

We’re still waiting for this bill to pass, and only certain types of e-bikes will be included in the tax incentives.

Right now in Sonoma County, you can get a discount up to $1,000. In San Mateo County, you can get a rebate up to $800. Contra Costa and Santa Clara counties offer up to $300 rebates. But if you want the bigger incentives, wait for it to kick in next year.

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