Former Realtor Turns to New Gold Mine

Young Sacramento blogger finds next opportunity -- panning for gold

One poor sod who got caught up in the boom-time crazes of blogging and real estate speculation has ridden off into the Sierra sunset in search of gold.

Casey Serin, a handsome twentysomething who immigrated from Uzbekistan and lived in the Sacramento area, got caught up in the twin crazes, only to see eight homes go into forcelosure and be faced with millions in debt.

His online chronicle of losing out in the real estate speculation madness got plenty of attention, resulting in a book deal.

However, like his realty ventures, it, too, ended up on the rocks thanks to onerous contracts.

He's since sold the blog domain,, but still ascribes to the entrepreurial inspiration he gathered from best-selling books like The 4-Hour Workweek.

So with his finances in turmoil, and his wedding a shambles, he's off to the hills in his van, hoping to catch in on the new California gold rush with a pan in his hand.

Photo by Nick Ares.

Jackson West has embraced the concept of Hobo 2.0.

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