It's the kind of stunt we used to see in the go-go days of the Tech revolution, and if you look up today, you might just have to smile.
Or, at least pull out your cell phone and take a quick picture.
Mobli, a New York-based company, wants you to give up on Instagram, and choose its photo and video sharing app instead. How to break through the "Oh, great, yet another photo-sharing company" clutter? It's going to fly a plane over Facebook headquarters a few times over the next couple of days, buzzing the Instagram owner with a 100-foot banner advertising its contest.
Here's the deal: Give up Instagram for Mobli, and you're entered into a contest to win $100,000. The company will surely get at least that much publicity by flying over Facebook; it will probably follow this up by showing off photos from its big winner.
The contest "natch" even has its own hashtag: #mylastinstagram.
Good luck, and happy shooting.
Scott is on Twitter: @scottbudman