Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is clearly enjoying being a dad — like all proud new parents, he's been posting baby pictures on Facebook to keep everyone updated about baby Max.
His most recent post about Max came with a message: "Doctor's visit — time for vaccines!"
Being the influencer he is, Zuckerberg's post has been liked by more than three million people, who lauded his public stance on the controversial subject of vaccinations.
"As someone with autism, with a son with autism, as someone who is constantly watching good people put their own children at serious risk because of old, fraudulent fears of vaccines and autism... thank you for being sensible. Thank you for doing what's right and also for showing everyone else that it's the right thing to do as well," wrote commenter Stuart Duncan.
"A subtle political statement indeed, that's great! Who would've thought we'd come to an age where we'd need one on the subject of vaccines," wrote Vanya Kumar.
"It's kinda sad that we now live in a world in which we congratulate people for vaccinating their kids. Look at how far we have regressed due to science illiteracy," wrote Carlos Munoz.
But not all the attention has been positive. Although the majority praised Zuckerberg's decison to get his daughter vaccinated, anti-vaxxers criticized it.
"I am sorry to see you unnecessarily putting your kid at risk by responding to faux science and propaganda,” wrote commenter Stuart Morgan Kunkle.
According to a Wired magazine report last year, Silicon Valley day cares affiliated with tech companies have below-average vaccination rates.
The debate over vaccination took center stage in California right after a measles outbreak in Disneyland. More than 131 Californians were infected, but no one died from the outbreak. Only 81 of the 131 people infected had vaccination documentation.
Last June, California Gov. Jerry Brown signed a bill that says that only children with serious health problems may opt out of school-mandated vaccinations. The law is intended to boost vaccination rated in the state.
"The science is clear that vaccines dramatically protect children against a number of infectious and dangerous diseases," Brown wrote while signing the bill. "While it's true that no medical intervention is without risk, the evidence shows that immunization powerfully benefits and protects the community."
Doctor's visit -- time for vaccines! Posted by Mark Zuckerberg on Friday, January 8, 2016