Berkeley Neighbors Concerned About Cost of New Housing

After much debate over new housing developments in Berkeley, the homes are finished and people who attended the open house had positive reviews about the modern style.

The open house was held on Haskell Street Saturday to showcase three new condos and neighbors are concerned over the cost of the homes.

"Little houses are like millions of dollars," said renter Eddie Jones. "It is kind of scary."

One of the condos is priced at $1.295 million and getting them built wasn’t easy as neighbors fought to get rid of the dilapidated homes in their neighborhood.

"How can you justify a dilapidated house, it is better for the city than three newly built homes," said broker Daniel Winkler.

Winkler said the price is in line with the average and median prices of the city which he believes creating those kinds of homes make sense to address housing needs in the Bay Area.

"You have to build supply to get this thing to change,” Winkler said. “We have to change our zoning. We have to densify."

He said market rate supports affordable housing even if not all neighbors see it that way. Some neighbors are worried about the teachers and clerks who cannot afford to buy homes. 

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