London Breed

Wedding Photographer Assaulted While Taking Pictures of Newlyweds in SF

NBC Universal, Inc.

Wedding day bliss turned to terror for a San Francisco couple and their photographer Friday afternoon during a shoot at California and Powell.

“Two men pulled up, a man jumped out and proceeded to assault our photographer trying to steal his camera,” said the couple.

Photographer Ken Mendoza said he fought to keep his gear and the couples memories.

“The assailant grabbed my hand and my camera twice but I was able to punch my way out of that twice,” said Mendoza.

Everyone managed to escape and the suspects took off.

The couple, who did not want to be identified, said a witness called police reporting the driver had a gun.

At a news conference Wednesday Mayor London Creed and Police Chief Bill Scott said there were more than 2,200 robberies reported in San Francisco last year.

They want funding to put more officers on the street.

“When officers are present, and this is proven time and time again, we have less events that's why officers on foot on bikes are so important,” said Scott.

Mendoza agrees. 

“To have extra patrols at iconic locations not just for wedding photographers but this is why people visit San Francisco and spend money,” said the photographer.

The newlyweds said they are considering leaving San Francisco because they don't feel safe.

“People like Chesa Boudin and London Breed are great about doing lip service about what they're doing to stop crime but it's not working,” said the newlyweds. “I wake up every morning and think ‘my goodness one of us could have been a groom and a widower in the same day.’”

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