
Verbal Dispute Turns Violent in Quiet Antioch Neighborhood

A violent attack caught on camera has left an Antioch neighborhood on edge.

A verbal dispute apparently over marijuana caught the attention of neighbors who then were shocked to see one of the men ram his car into the other man standing beside another vehicle then flee the scene.

Police are now looking for the driver, who faces charges of assault with a deadly weapon and hit and run.

A neighbor named Tatiyana, who did not wish to provide her last name, caught the whole incident on cellphone video. She and her boyfriend, Darius, woke up to an unusual commotion outside their Antioch home Monday.

"Our neighborhood is very quiet, not a lot of commotion going on," she said.

Darius tried to figure out what was going on as Tatiyana started video recording. What happened next was something truly jaw dropping.

"He angled himself toward the guy’s car and rammed the car into the guy, and we were like whoa," Darius said. "I didn’t know what to think. I was like, 'Dang that’s so crazy.' ... That’s something you really see in a movie. That’s movie stuff right there, not something you see in everyday life."

Tatiyana added: "I’ve never seen anything like it in my life. He’s lucky to be alive; he could have lost his life from that."

Tatiyana said the man suffered a cracked shin and a fractured hip. The couple hopes the video will help people understand how quickly an argument can escalate.

"I hope it will open people's eyes," Darius said. "People are crazy out here. You never know what people will do over little stuff like that."

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