BATS ARE PLENTIFUL... at the moment, in front yard displays, on schoolroom windows, and along the aisles of those stores that sell Halloween decorations. But there are bats, as in actual bats, throughout our beautiful, bat-packed state. They're performing a host of essential roles in nature, too, including gobbling up tasty insects, which, in turn, helps both "our food crops" as well as the forests. Sending them a note of thanks? Not necessary, but we humans can pause, each October, to celebrate Bat Week. The awareness-raising event is all about keeping the bat-based love high, and helping humans understand all the good a bat can do. Protecting various species is also a focus of the week-long happening, and a number of national and state parks host happenings that go to bat for the bats.
BAT WEEK... is now on, through Oct. 31, 2019, and places like Point Reyes National Seashore, the Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History, and the South Lake Tahoe Library will all hold informative and interesting events. Of course, you need not flap in the direction of a bat bash to bone up on these amazing critters. You can start at Bat Week's online HQ, which includes a section on "Why Bats Matter" as well as page devoted to taking action. Eager to speak on behalf of the bats? Or even host your own bat-tastic to-do one day? Find plenty of ideas worth taking wing over. And do keep in mind there are many spots around the Golden State that include possible bat sightings. You may spy some beautiful bats in twilight flight at Pinnacles National Park, or around the Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area near Sacramento. Happy Bat Week, to all bats everywhere and the humans who work so hard to protect and honor them.