Homemade Flying Saucers to Wing by Bridgefest

Creatively made crafts'll take flight, fingers crossed, in Humboldt County.

WHAT'S THE SECRET... to creating a great, garage-made intergalactic craft? Do you make it shiny? Do you add tiny legs, the sort of gear that can make landing so much softer? Do you add grooves on the craft's sides, so it can catch some wind and soar a little further? Or do you simply put all of your creativity and whimsy into the project, knowing that other makers of model UFOs will want to admire your masterpiece at length? These are the hard but happy questions a person must ask before flying their own saucer for Bridgeville in Humboldt County on the third Saturday in August. For that's the place and time for...

BRIDGEFEST, which is, yes, all about cosmic cool, wearing your favorite Alpha Centauri-inspired outfit, and sending your homemade saucer on a successful flight. Even if your UFO doesn't have the longest sail on Saturday, Aug. 17, you'll surely see some creations worthy of a sci-fi film. There are, of course, rules to know for the Bridgefest Intergalactic Flying Saucer Trials, like a "pre-manufactured toy or flying device" is not permitted, and each craft should "... be unique and easily identifiable." Entry cost? It's five bucks, which is considerably less money than it would take to fly to any moon orbiting Jupiter, or, to be honest, our own moon. 

PLENTY OF COMPETITORS... and curious lookie-loos will be dressed for the occasion, which isn't just way out there, as gatherings go, it's Milky Way out there. But there's down-to-earth element, too, if you will, thanks to the pies ready for eating (yep, they're described as "homemade") and the fire department BBQ. Ready to see some lovingly fashioned space saucers fly for acclaim, glory, oohs, ahhs, and prizes? Beam down to the bridge in Bridgeville for this one-of-a-kind, quirk-tastic California festival.

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