THE FLOWER'S DAY IN THE SUN... is not waning, though we now turn our gaze to the trees, and gold leaves, and ruddy foliage, and nature's fabulous fall-time sights. True, many a petal has dropped by the time October rolls around, and flowers are not budding in the way they do in May. But spending time in a garden, with the desire to connect with the natural world, and with music, and with mystery? That's not a spring-only kind of thrall. Fall may now be upon us, but the Russian River Rose Company, that Healdsburg-close bastion of blossoms, butterflies, and beautiful, rosy perfumes, celebrates the autumn moment each year with a very special celebration. It's the...
RUSSIAN TEA & FRAGRANCE FESTIVAL... in the Rose Garden, and it will dance, frolic, and sniff all of that rosy-luscious bouquet on Saturday, Sept. 30 and Sunday, Oct. 1. The festivity, which is built around "...Music, Mystique & Fragrance — Russian Style!" will include a number of nose-nice to-dos, from a scent salon demos to the launch of the company's newest scent, Rose Embrace. (It's "...Calif.'s only estate made rose perfume.") Fancy a tea leaf reading? That seems very much in the October's-coming spirit of things, and traditional Slavic tunes shall ring out both days. Make sure to...
ENJOY A CUP OF TEA... before departing, too. The steamy brew is made in an antique Russian Samovar, further lending history, story, and beauty to an autumnal day spend in a splendid alfresco setting. The cost to join the merriment, which includes your cup of tea? It's five dollars.