KNOW THE NORTH SIERRA FOOTHILLS? Then you know that the region is gorgeous, quirky, and full of surprises, like historic villages, notable landmarks, great spots to splash around on hot August afternoons, and funky, walkable lanes. You might also know the wines of the area, in all of their various forms, but, if you don't, and you've been meaning to get up on the topic, an afternoon spent in Nevada City, sipping around, is the remedy. And such an afternoon is coming up, on the final Saturday in August, when Nevada City Uncorked returns to connect oenophiles with some of the top regional labels. The 2018 date is...
SATURDAY, AUG. 25, the hours are 1 to 4 o'clock, and a host of wineries shall show, including Bangor Ranch Winery of Butte County, Fawnridge Winery of Placer County, and Montoliva Vineyard and Winery of Nevada County (as well as several other Nevada County favorites). Bringing up the bites end of the three-hour stretch? Look for "17 restaurants, caterers, and specialty shops" serving up everything from charcuterie-type meats to chocolates (oh, yes, and cheeses, too, of course). Shall there be a wine-oriented raffle? You bet. Will there be a day-before to-do, all about meeting winemakers, at Nevada City Winery? That happens on Aug. 24.
A TICKET TO THIS GOURMET GATHERING... is $35 ahead of time and $45 on the day. Need your Nevada City, in all of its funk-a-tude, deliciousness, and wine-flavorful goodness? Be there at the end of August, one of the sweetest and most mellow times in a sweet and mellow town.