THE RITUALS OF THE SEASONS: A whole industry has sprung up in recent years regarding seasons, rituals, and observing the changing of the calendar. Modern times and technology and screens have pulled us away from the ways human formerly commemorated the passing of one season into the next and the flowing of time. But we think little changes are easy to make in this regard. Nope, you don't need to plan anything major as summer becomes fall, but you can do something to bid the season farewell. For many of us that's a classic Labor Day barbecue -- the tastiest of rituals -- but an event surrounding water seems like an even better idea for the holiday weekend that marks the end of the summer season (make that the traditionally observed summer season). Or perhaps you can do both: Hit a barbecue, but, before that, visit Heather Farm Park for an athletic, powerful, and oh-so-damp performance by the acclaimed Aquanuts. Show name? "Into the Abyss."
SYNCHRONIZED SWIMMING: The troupe, which will be over a hundred members strong for the Labor Day Weekend shows, features over a dozen Olympians as well as many, many accoladed athletes who have been medalled in all sorts of competitions. We stress this tidbit because we sometimes wonder if synchronized swimming is something that a lot of viewers think they might be good at, if they can dance and they can swim. There's so much to it -- grace, routine, strength, the ability to be upside down under water and still keep your bearings -- and seeing the sport, live, reveals that. The dates for the fall show are Thursday, Aug. 29 through Sunday, Sept. 1. Cost? Adults are $20, kids aged 5 to 17 get in for ten bucks.