It seems that cable companies and other Google Fiber rivals are trying hard to compete with the search giant's superfast Internet service, including offering free Wi-Fi and boosting Internet speeds.
Google has already done a favor for those living in its Google Fiber test cities -- Kansas City, Provo, Utah and Austin -- by making broadband companies compete, according to the MIT Technology Review. Cable behemoths such as Time Warner Cable have boosted its broadband speed to compete with Google Fiber's one-gigabit connection in Kansas City. In Austin, AT&T has also said that it would match Google Fiber's speed, and Time Warner Cable will also give Wi-Fi to existing customers in public areas.
Analysts say that cable profit on broadband approaches something close to 97 percent, so there's plenty of room for savings for the consumer. The only question is will cable companies start getting competitive with price?
We should all be thankful for Google Fiber, especially if our towns are selected, because not only are we part of a grand experiment but it's also a chance to give cable companies a much needed dose of competition.