Watch This Zealous Fan Do Everything in His Power to Grab A's Foul Ball

"Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other."

Giving up is typically never an option -- especially if you're this fan.

In the top of the first inning during the A's-Angels game on Wednesday afternoon, a foul ball was hit into the stands -- and this guy wanted it, and he wanted it bad.

It appeared this guy was on an episode of American Ninja Warrior because he would do anything to have this foul ball -- even throwing his glove down in hopes that could make things easier on the attempt. It's just too bad he didn't end up with it because that was an impressive display of athleticism. 

But also -- it's just a foul ball, so relax my guy. 

You can watch the entire clip atop this post. Just don't try this at home, kids. 

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